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Bradley S Dworkin & Domenic Maciariello

Dworkin & Maciariello Attorney's At Law

The Illinois Hammer

Big Hammer... Big Results!

  • Help getting loans in 24 hours if needed
  • Over $65 Million recovered last year alone
  • We don't get paid unless you do
  • Help seeking medical attention


5 Great Tips to Prepare Your Car for Winter

Posted on October 13th, 2021

We all knew this day would come, winter is only weeks away, and there’s nothing we can do about it! It could snow any day now. In fact, in 2019, Illinois saw a full-scale snowstorm in October with several inches of snow. The time to prepare your car for winter weather is now. Preparing your […]

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The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm Commits to Being Green

Posted on August 17th, 2021

Find Out about Our Dedication to the Environment A recent UN investigation on climate change paints a grim picture of our world’s future if we do not reduce our carbon footprint. In an effort to do our part we’ve made eco-friendly changes over the years to improve the environment and our community. Using innovative technology […]

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Back to School Safety

Posted on August 12th, 2021

Back to School Safety 101 What you and your child(ren) should consider for back to school safety August marks the turning of hot summer days to crisp Fall nights. Alongside cooler days, many of us are prepping to return our young ones to school. This time can be wracked with nerves for kids, parents, and […]

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3 Independence Day Injuries You Should Know

Posted on June 1st, 2021

Independence Day is Near Boom, pop, crack! Independence Day Weekend is right around the corner. Many will gather together this year to relax in the warmer weather, enjoy classic summer dishes, and enjoy bright fireworks illuminating the sky. While enjoying time with friends and family for Independence Day brings joy and laughter for all, remember […]

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7 Common Legal Terms You Need to Know for Your Injury Case!

Posted on May 21st, 2021

Common Legal Terms Could Help You! Unless you work in the legal profession, watch a lot of legal dramas on Netflix, or study law in school, you might not be very familiar with a lot of legal terminology. For many, legal jargon is not a part of their everyday vocabulary. Legal terms used in the […]

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