We Use Our Hammer To Build Up Our Community!


At the Illinois Hammer, we’re proud to sponsor many local causes, and we encourage our team members to be active in the community.

Illinois Hammer attorneys with custom shirts at Race Judicata in Lincoln Park, a benefit run for the Chicago Volunteer Legal Services posing for a picture
Illinois Hammer attorneys with custom shirts and toy hammers at Race Judicata in Lincoln Park, a benefit run for the Chicago Volunteer Legal Services posing for a picture
Two members of the Illinois Hammer team at Race Judicata in Lincoln Park in front of attraction (like whack a mole but called zap a mole) with inflatable hammers ready to play!

Hammering Home Justice for Chicago

One of our team’s favorite events, which we proudly participate in every year, is the Race Judicata in Lincoln Park, which benefits the Chicago Volunteer Legal Services Foundation. This is a 5K run to benefit an organization that ensures the law works for everyone. Every year, you can catch our team finishing this fun run (or walk) with inflatable hammers. We look forward to raising money for justice at this event every year. Chicago Volunteer Legal Services was created to deliver representation and innovative legal solutions to people who work or live in poverty. This 5K helps the CVLS raise money to support pro bono civil legal aid.

Picture showing OSOT America donation center box in lobby of office
The Illinois Hammer team posing in hallway of their office in branded fleeces smiling
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Hammer The Pup: Hammering Away Pet Homelessness

We are proud sponsors of One Tail at a Time, a nonprofit working to end pet homelessness in Chicago and across Illinois. One Tail at a Time has pets available for adoption, has volunteer and foster opportunities, hosts events, and goes above and beyond for pets in Chicagoland. We were proud to have a dog named Hammer at One Tail at a Time. Hammer was abandoned by his previous owner and was found wandering around the Chicago streets. Our team got to meet Hammer at One Tail at a Time and help find him a safe and loving home.

Illinois Hammer Injury Lawyers New Logo

A Hammer's Job Is Never Done

One Tail at a Time and The Chicago Volunteer Legal Services are critically important community organizations we support as a firm. We take pride in supporting our community in a number of ways, including encouraging our team to get involved with causes they’re passionate about. In the past, we have run donation drives for Operation Support Our Troops America and given away a scholarship to encourage our neighbors to further their education. As a hammer, there’s always more work to be done, and we’re working to help better our community from Chicagoland to beyond every day.