3 Tips You Should Know Before Going Back to Work After a Work Injury
Published on March 22nd, 2021 by The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm
After a Work Injury, What is Workers’ Compensation?
Illinois law requires your employer to have workers’ compensation insurance to compensate employees who suffer a work injury while performing their job duties. It is estimated that 91% of workers employed in Illinois are covered under a workers’ compensation insurance policy.
After sustaining a work injury, you may be unsure of your rights as an employee. Under a workers’ compensation insurance policy, employees can receive compensation for medical bills and lost wages due to their inability to work while recovering from their work-related injuries. In some serious cases, a worker may be entitled to rehabilitation services that could include new job training if the injury prevents a worker from performing their previous work duties.
Returning to Work
Some injuries make returning to work impossible, but in most cases, the primary goal of an employee injured on the job is to return to work as soon as they are physically able. While workers’ compensation can provide you with compensation to help cover the cost of medical bills and other expenses related to your injury, it does not act as a substitute for your full-time pay.
In some cases, you may be required to return to work even while your workers’ compensation case is still ongoing. Returning to work after an injury should be done cautiously. The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm, Dworkin and Maciariello, wants to give you, the injured, some tips for going back to work after a work injury to make the transition easier for both you and your employer.
3 Tips for Going Back to Work After A Work Injury
1. Make Sure to Maintain Treatment
When returning to work after a work injury, sticking to a treatment regime given by your doctor is crucial. Even if you start to feel better or see signs of improvement before your regime is finished, this improvement could be short-lived if you do not maintain proper treatment throughout the rest of your recovery process. To ensure long-term results, follow your doctor’s advice to the best extent possible during your recovery process.
Practically speaking, ensure that your employer understands that you may need specific accommodations, including time off of work to visit weekly physical therapy appointments, to maintain your treatment. If your doctor has given you work restrictions, or has taken you off of work, they will provide you with a note that you should provide to your employer. This will provide your employer with notice that they will need to accommodate your restrictions or that you have been disabled from work by your doctor.
2. Do Not Push Yourself too Hard
If you have not been cleared by your doctor to return to work, do not do so. When you return to work, you want to ensure that you are capable of performing your work duties without further aggravating your injury. Your doctor may have some specific medical restrictions for you to follow as you continue your recovery.
In addition, when returning to work, do not push yourself too hard. If necessary, speak with your employer about modifying your workload to ensure that you can meet their expectations safely.
3. Keep in Touch with Your Attorney
At the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm, Dworkin and Maciariello, we want our clients to have a smooth and successful transition when returning to the job. By keeping in touch with your workers’ compensation attorney at The Illinois Hammer, we can help you determine what precautions to take when returning to work after a work injury. Furthermore, any questions about changing the status of your duty should be communicated with your attorney. Keeping in touch with an attorney can help you avoid any unexpected issues with the insurance company.
Call Us Today
If you were injured and would like to speak with a workers’ compensation attorney call 888-4-HAMMER today to schedule a free case consultation. Our workers’ compensation attorneys have over 25 years of experience, and we are prepared to fight for you. Get the compensation you deserve!